
Come explore with David and Michael, our principal “Soarer,” the mystery that has existed forever about life after death ---is that the end? Or. is there an existence such as the concept of Heaven believed by us Christians as well as perhaps more ethereal concepts in the faiths of others? These mysteries taunted my mind and spirit for years and prompted this book, and what finally set the pen in motion was the philosophy of a distinguished scientist and theologian, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ, who wrote “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” When the Father created us He created our spirits in His own image as described so beautifully in the Book of John.

  • “Soaring” is an electronic book in .pdf that can be received on any device that is .pdf compatible.
  • The book is 153 pages long with 236 earthborne and celestial photographs in stunning color, and six videos that bring to you our story in the sights and sounds of the Universe.
  • The price is $5 and payment and download can be arranged by clicking Purchase Ebook below. Come join us as we soar through the Universe!
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Photographs in stunning color



Our story begins with an extensive discussion and recitation of known facts about the universe, much of it compiled by the extraordinary capability of the Hubble telescopic satellite in orbit. The facts are portrayed in Hubble pictures and videos along with our descriptive material. Following this introduction we begin the journey through the universe with our principal “Soarer.” Michael. and the adventure unfolds in some exciting ways we think you will enjoy.

David Granger Halloran - A Christian Author

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